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QSL Conditions

To obtain the Laborama Quality Label, it is necessary that the company:

  • Be an official distributor of the equipment, part equipment or accessories they service, repair, replace or offer services for.
  • Has manufacturer-certified service engineers
  • Performs maintenance of the equipment according to the manufacturer's standards or according to a traceable quality system
  • Only uses original and new spare parts for the maintenance of the appliances. An exception can only be made to the latter with the explicit consent of the end user
  • The user of the equipment is perfectly informed by the company, carrier of the quality label, of the nature of the used spare parts
  • The company is a member of LABORAMA


Do you notice any infringements of the label? If so, please report them to LABORAMA.
When such a report is made, LABORAMA will investigate the information and treat it with the necessary discretion.
If infringements are confirmed, the company that committed the infringement will immediately be deleted as a member of LABORAMA and the Quality Label will be withdrawn.4

To monitor the evolution of the use and awarding of the Quality Label, LABORAMA will regularly evaluate the Quality Label (number of companies committed, number of labels awarded, infringements, etc.).