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Executive Board

Laborama is a non-profit association (asbl/vzw) and consequently has the classic governing bodies: General Assembly and Governing Body.

The General Assembly, the highest body, consists of all member companies of Laborama asbl/vzw. The General Assembly is chaired by the chairman of the governing body

The association is managed and represented by a governing body composed of at least 3 directors. The further composition of the governing body depends on the number of members of the association (1 representative per 10 affiliated members). A mandate within the governing body lasts for three years and is re-electable/renewable.

At the last Annual General Meeting, the mandates of the directors were confirmed as follows.


  • Christophe Westerlinck - Sartorius Belgium

Members of the Board of Directors

  • Wouter Christiaens - Microtechnix
  • Ann De Winne - BRS Beun de Ronde
  • Pascal Gillioen - Anton Paar Benelux
  • Jurgen Goudmaeker - Eppendorf Belgium
  • Gerry Hendrickx - Waters
  • Nicole Schenk - LED Techno
  • Lobke Tremmerie - Analis
  • Nico Van Stallen - Avantor (VWR International)

Laborama Secretariat

  • Kris Vermoesen - Operations Manager