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Quality Service Label

The Laborama Quality Service Label

The Laborama Quality Service label is a tool that aims to contribute to long-term monitoring of the quality of servicing offered by Laborama members, as importers, manufacturers and distributors of laboratory equipment, to their customers.
This label is launched to monitor the services provided by the servicing department of companies present on the market.

Only companies that are members of Laborama and meet the set requirements can acquire the Laborama Quality label.



Laborama focuses on maintaining quality and on ethical and ecological entrepreneurship within the laboratory sector in a broad sense.

Working with companies that are members of Laborama is a guarantee for a serious and solid partnership for the users of laboratory equipment.

With this label, Laborama wants to make sure that every organisation active in the laboratory sector guarantees quality and works continuously on improvement.

The ultimate goal the federation wants to achieve by awarding the Quality label is:

  • that users of laboratory equipment are assured at all times of the performance of the lab equipment they are using and that they can safely trust the obtained (measurement) results.
  • they are assured of the best service and can count on expert advice from specialists.
  • their equipment is optimally maintained, thus ensuring a maximum service life.