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Da Vinci Laboratory Solutions B.V.


Sydneystraat 5
NL 3047 BP Rotterdam Open location


A propos

Short description:

Joint Analytical Systems is a worldwide Value Added Reseller Partner of Agilent Technologies. Inspiration meets Innovation stands for creating solutions in complex GC and HPLC applications in Analytical and process chromatography. We sell e.g. GC, PTV, valve boxes, transferlines, micro GC, Petrochemical analyzers, GCXGC, TOFMS. HPLC solutions, ECD electrochemical detectors, ELSD, LCXLC and online SPE oplossingen Further canisters, autosamplers, Pyrolysis, headspace, purge and trap units preparative GC solutions, unique software and excellent service and support. We also have all consumables in stock. Visit our stand for more information or surf to Brands: Tosoh Biosciences, Agilent Technologies, SIM, MARKES, ALMSCO, ZOEX Europe,Antec Leyden, CDA Analytical, EST,ILS,SAI, CTC and SEDERE.