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Hamilton Storage GmbH


Parc Industrial Vial 10
CH 7013 Domat/Ems Open location



Korte beschrijving: Hamilton Storage is the global leader for automated sample storage systems. We are offering a comprehensive portfolio of automated sample management systems for biological and compound samples, from room temperature down to the ULT range. Our sample storage solutions, benchtop devices, and consumables are designed for sample integrity, flexibility, and reliability for life science applications. Hamilton Storage introduces the new Verso Q-Series, the most compact fully automated storage and retrieval system on the market to provide you convenient sample access directly from your bench top. The Verso Q-Series lineup of systems - Q20, Q50, and Q75 - boasts many of the accommodating features of a large system in an extremely compact footprint, so your samples can be stored anywhere you need them, at a temperature range that can be set anywhere between +20°C and -20°C. The system can be operated as a standalone as well as being integrated with a robotic sample processing platform for liquid handling. Thanks to fully automated designs, these small but powerful systems allow you to spend more time being productive and less time managing samples. They set a new standard in size and performance, providing the perfect opportunity to transition from manual sample storage to an automated process.