Gilson International

Traceability of Pipetting

Gilson has made a huge step towards a future of pipetting traceabilty.

By using labjournals on paper basis while using a diversity of samples and reagents pipetting 96 and 384 well plates are a non-traceable action.

Now Gilson developed a solution for combining the manual pipetting actions with the automation of your protocol and pipetting steps. The IoT pipette!.

Herewith a combination of manual flexibility and the full traceability of automation has seen the light of day. Everything can be stored in the cloud and shared.

So now there is: A tablet with integrated PipettePilot software and a variety a pipettes which provides choice of Volume and single or multichannel pipetting with bluetooth.

Check out: for further information.


Pyrolysis for HPLC and more

The GERSTEL PyroVial enables Pyrolysis procedures in a dedicated sample vial up to 800 °C. Volatile pyrolysis products can be sampled directly from the Headspace for GC/MS determination. Less volatile pyrolysis products can be taken up in a suitable solvent for subsequent GC/MS- or LC/MS determination – or for analysis using other techniques. The Pyrolysis process is fully automated based on the GERSTEL MultiPurpose Sampler (MPS). Placing the sample into the reaction chamber is very simple and the PyroVial can be used as a micro-scale reaction chamber. The gas phase in the vial can be replaced by an inert gas or a reactant as needed. Food preparation processes, such as the Maillard reaction can be simulated in small scale. The addition of reagents or catalysts before pyrolysis even enables the simulation of complex industrial processes.



Thermo Fisher Scientific

Thermo Fisher SampleManager LIMS Software – A Complete Solution for QA/QC Labs

Thermo Fisher™ SampleManager™ LIMS software facilitates compliance with standards such as 21 CFR Part 11, GAMP and ISO 17025. Labs adhering to ALCOA+ guidelines can rely on the LIMS security, electronic signature, and complete audit trail to enable compliance. The mobile application enables analysts to take the LIMS to wherever they work in the lab, so data is recorded contemporaneously. 


Thermo Fisher Platform for Science Software – A Flexible, Scalable Solution for R&D Labs

The Thermo Fisher™ Platform for Science™ software is the underlying data management infrastructure designed to support workflows across your scientific organization. This flexible, extensible, cloud-based platform helps you easily collect, store, access, share and use your scientific data.




Rees Scientific

Rees Scientific Instant Chamber Mapping Kit

The leader in automated continuous monitoring is bringing automation to the mapping industry. Rees Scientific is making mapping easier with the new Instant Chamber Mapping Kits.

Understand and validate your equipment environment with a completely automated mapping system.  See the results and the reporting with a click of a button.

Your advantages:

  • Rees Reliability: Kit provides 9, 15 or more temperature sensors attached to Z3 wireless modules that connect directly to any Rees Cloud, laptop or existing System.
  • Easy Setup: Place the sensors in a chamber, wait for the data to accumulate, and then print the included Chamber Mapping Report directly out of the Rees software.
  • Flexible: Kits are available with standard thermistors, certified thermistors, or certified RTD sensors.
  • Compliant: Robust and instant reporting provides complete analysis of chambers with a click of a button. Meet regulatory requirements for GMP, GAMP, GLP and much more.

For more information, please visit us at Lab Automation Day 2018 or on our website You can also contact directly Sandra Van de Pas:



NGS Made Easy

Next-generation sequencing sample preparation is a labor-intensive process, which requires experience, precision and accuracy to generate high-quality NGS libraries. The Eppendorf epMotion® can automate this pipetting-intensive protocol into a ready-to-run procedure with minimal user-interventions and setup time even for runs with low sample numbers. To minimize programming time and get you up and running quickly, Eppendorf provides pre-optimized and manufacturer-qualified NGS reagent kit methods that will result in reproducible preparation of high-quality NGS libraries. The sequencing results are comparable or better to those from manual preparation. Trust in the Eppendorf epMotion to automate your NGS library preparation and eliminate the risk of human pipetting errors, provide reproducible results and increase overall productivity.


Mettler Toledo

Découvrez le potentiel du LabX

Le logiciel LabX® étend les possibilités de votre paillasse de laboratoire grâce au traitement automatique des données, à une sécurité élevée des processus et aux instructions détaillées des MON.

LabX permet d'intégrer simplement l'ensemble des instruments de la gamme Excellence dans une plateforme multiparamétrique. Optimisez l'efficacité de vos méthodes de travail et la conformité à la réglementation sans transiger sur la convivialité :

  • Un même logiciel pour plusieurs instruments
  • Des instructions détaillées complètes
  • L'intégration dans l'environnement de laboratoire
  • La communication avec tous les systèmes de laboratoire

Découvrez comment le logiciel LabX étend les possibilités des instruments ci-dessous avec une seule interface utilisateur et logicielle commune: balance, titreur, densimètre et réfractomètre, point de fusion, Quantos, pH-mètre et UV/VIS

Plus d'informations




The NEW BECKMAN COULTER Biomek i-Series Automated Workstations


Presenting the Biomek i-Series Automated Workstations

designed to simplify your workflows, to improve efficiency, to be adaptable to your needs and increase walk-away time and reliability

  • Biomek i-Series support a wide range of applications within pharma, biotech, academia and any lab focused on genomics, cell biology, proteomics, drug discovery, forensics and related research areas.
  • Choose between the Biomek i5 and the Biomek i7 and configure with the accessories you need for your applications









BIOMEK i-Series
the future of lab automation solutions
for mid- to high-trouGhput labs has arrived !

More info on